Lecture 5 - Part a
Training and Evaluation
Average of the difference between the expected value (vj) and the predicted value (pj)
Average of the square of the difference between the training value (vj) and the expected value (pj)
Square is easier to use during the training process (derivative)
More significant errors are more pronounced
Describes the complete performance of the model
The percentage of times that a model is correct
The model with the highest accuracy is not necessarily the best
Some errors (e.g., False Negative) can be more costly than others
Average of single class performance
Good to use when the distribution of data items in classes is imbalanced
Weighted average of single-class performance
Weight depends on the popularity of a class.
Among the examples we classified as positive, how many did we correctly classify?
Among the positive examples, how many did we correctly classify?
The harmonic mean between precision and recall
What is the implicit assumption about the costs of errors?
Identification of the positively labeled data items
Same as recall
Identification of the negatively labeled data items
Not the same as precision
Lecture 5 - Part a
Training and Evaluation
Grokking Machine Learning. Luis G. Serrano. Manning, 2021
[CIS 419/519 Applied Machine Learning]. Eric Eaton, Dinesh Jayaraman.
Deep Learning Patterns and Practices - Andrew Ferlitsch, Maanning, 2021
Machine Learning Design Patterns - Lakshmanan, Robinson, Munn, 2020