Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Intelligent Products, Services, and Systems (design)
Preparatory Reading and Video Material
Watch Video: Pioneering AI design for society
Watch Video: Conversations on Design & AI
- Design for AI Symposium 2024
- Design for AI Symposium 2023
- Design for AI Symposium 2022
- Inspirational videos from the 2022 Design for AI symposium. What can Design do for AI?
- What is the role of an AI Designer?
- AI Myths
- I, Pencil
Warming Up
- Use your TU Delft credentials to log-in and access this Miro board. The board is password protected. You can find the password on Brightspace.
- Think about one or more Product, Service, or System that, in your opinion, is powered by Artificial Intelligence technology.
- Feel free to take inspirations from the world around you. Take pictures from your neighborhood, your home, the faculty…
- Create a copy the Template Frame in the Miro board. Past an image of the IPSS, describe it, and explain the role(s) that AI has in the working of that product, service, or system.
Lecture Slides
- Lecture 1 PDF (PDF - 60Mb)
Lecture Notes
- Lecture Notes (Web)
Additional Reading Material
- Machine Learning + Design
- Pointers to several interesting resource, developed by designers for designers
- Creating Design Resources to Scaffold the Ideation of AI Concepts
- A design resource capturing AI capabilities based on 40 AI features commonly used across various domains.